Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Six Weeks...

It has officially been six weeks since delivering Channel. I had my check up with the Dr yesterday and all seems well. I do have a hole in my incision but nothing to be worried about and it should heal up on its own.

I have started actually working out again. Josh and I are doing Kettleworx on Mon/Wed/Fri and I have been walking the other days and hopefully turning that into running again. I am ready to shed this extra weight for good! I have decided to have my weigh in days on Sunday.

I am off to do Kettleworx. Stay motivated today.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Another Oscar Mayer...

And 4 boys it is! On April 13, 2011 at 8:17am we welcomed 11lb 4oz Channel Ry to our family. What a chunky monkey, but totally adorable. The c-section went well and as did the tubular. Recover has been a bit tougher 4th time around.

Just a couple of weeks out of surgery and I started having really bad abdominal pain. It got so bad that I ended up going to the ER on Mother's Day. When I got there they thought it was my gallbladder and I ended up going through all these test to find gallbladder is fine. Now we are trying to find out what is causing the pain and how to fix it. I am on two different meds now to try and deal with the stomach pain.

I am now just little after a month post-op and am starting to finally feel like I can start getting back on track. I still don't see the Dr. for couple weeks for my six week check up. By then I should be able to get the green light to start doing more.

Sleep and I are not friends right now, he has left me. Hoping in the next months the sleep thing gets better. Speaking of which......