Monday, March 29, 2010


Hello Sunshine, I love you! One question, could you please be up at 5:30am and warm me up on my runs? Thanks!

I am so ready to be running in warmer weather, soon though, soon. It is another week and I am feeling pretty good about it. Last week was another 40+ mile week and had my longest run yet, 13.1 miles(half-marathon). This mornings run was chilly but the moon was huge and beautiful.

I finally got to GNC today and picked up some fish oil. Hoping this will be helpful to my knees as well.

Saturday I also got my hair done. Thanks to Barb, I now have less gray!

Got a flyer today for Flipz Tumbling Gym in town and am so excited about signing all three boys up. Just hoping it doesn't interfer with soccer practice. I hear Nolan calling for me, gotta run. This week is going to be awesome! LOVE.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Pee Pee in the Potty...

Hello Friday! Man, it is COLD today. Eventhough Tracy and I have ran in cold weather, today we decided to skip the cold and do our runs inside. Won't be too bad, it is any easy day before our long run tomorrow.

This week I got to the eye doctor. Not much has changed in my vision which is great. I did get some new glasses and am going to try contacts again. The last ones I had just didn't feel right and dried up really fast. But the doc hooked it up with some great contacts. I tried them out last night and they totally felt awesome! YYAAA HOOOOO sunglasses here I come.

I had a great week running and had great workouts at Curves also. So, just seven weeks away from race day, pretty exciting. Also I have looked into a training schedule for an upcoming marathon, and to my surprise the training isn't too far beyond what we are doing now. Of course the longer runs are a bit longer (instead of 13 miles they will be more like 20 miles). That is still all up in the air and the maranthon isn't until October. Right now I am just focusing on finishing the 25K and staying healthy.

My boys are growing way too fast! Last night Nolan got on the potty (which he does often but usually just sits there) and he actually went pee! So we all sang a little song and danced and clapped for him and he was totally excited! We are dorks but we like it that way.

I love saving money! And I have been getting some really great deals with Savingsangels! Last night I went to Plumbs and stocked up on cereal. I now love Chocolate Chex, just the right amount of chocolate to satisfy the sweet tooth, yummy! We also checked out Save a lot this week and it is very nice in there. Our big find is bananas for 33cents a pound.

Everyday I am reminded how awesome of a God I serve! He has truely blessed my life and family. What an awesome provider, healer, and on and on I could go. And no matter how rough we might think life is, He is ALWAYS there! I serve a God who was, is, and is to come. What an amazing thought. I love the LORD and heaven is going to be Fabulous. Sorry guys, you are stuck with me for eternity. LOVE.

Monday, March 22, 2010

No Good Title...

Hello Monday. Another week here and gone. Weekend went very fast.

Had a great run Saturday on the bike trail. It was nice to not have to worry about cars and potholes, we could just run.

Saturday I also was at Curves to lead Power Workout. I had another great attendance. It is so cool to see so many of the ladies coming back. I am thinking I might try to add a couple of night PW during the week and see how many ladies would be interested.

My cousin Andrew was home this weekend from Nashville, so after Josh got off work on Sunday we were going to head to Fremont to see the family. I was getting everyone dressed and ready to go before Josh got home. I had gone into the living room to get the older boys ready and heard a big crash from Nolan's room. I ran into his room to find him pinned under his dresser! It had fallen on top of him. I was totally freaked out and so was he. I got the dresser off of him and then called Josh at work. Thankfully Nolan was not seriously hurt, but we were both pretty shook up by the whole ordeal. He has a bruise above his eye and had some marks on his hand, feet and belly. He was trying to get a pair of socks out of his dresser which are in his top drawer.

We did end up still going to Fremont and we had a great visit with everyone. I am ready for a wonderful week. Back to my coffee and boys! LOVE.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Dirty Bath Tub...

It is Friday!! Which means what exactly?? I am not sure, our weekends are just as packed full as the weekdays..hhmmm. With Josh working so much we really don't seem to have actual weekends to enjoy, but we know this doesn't last forever and we are taking it while we can.

I LOVE the sunshine! I LOVE that the boys can be outside playing and running and not inside!! I LOVE flip-flops too. But with all this playing outside the boys get very very dirty, they are boys. So the bath tub gets very dirty too and we use a lot more water with so many bathes and showers to try and stay clean. But so worth it. The days seem to have less fighting and less tantrums, thank you LORD! I have also been doing a lot of praying in this area so I am sure that is helping also.

Baby Fever is also going on in the house these days. To have or not have another baby? That is the question. Josh and I are both in prayer about this right now and sometimes I just wish God would leave me a little note and let me know.

All the boys got there hair cut and are handsome as can be! I still haven't done Nolan's 2 year pics or Everett's 4 year pics, so I made an appointment to have them done tonight. Taking all the boys without Josh will be interesting but I am sure things will go fine.

Today was a five mile run and it went by really fast and I felt pretty good. Got adjusted again at the Chiropractor today and hoping that tomorrows long run will be just as smooth. Have a wonderful Friday! Pray Today! LOVE.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Heelloooo Blog World...

Good Morning Thursday! Long time, no blog. Not that I haven't had plenty to blog about, it is just getting the time to sit for a few moments and get those thoughts down. So here I am back at it again. I won't be going through the last month, that could take forever.

Things are going well. I finally feel like our house is coming together after 2 years, one room at a time. We got new furniture and the living room looks awesome. My dining room table comes today and I am super excited about that. We have been painting and what a difference that has made.

And yes, I am still running!! Only about 7 weeks left of training before the 25K. Training is going well, feeling good. Also, have gone back to the chiropractor and have started taking the kids too. I am still at Curves on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and recently have started a Saturday Power Workout too. This Saturday will be our fourth week and there has been a huge crowd of new ladies trying it out.

Josh is working like a mad man. Putting in 64 hours a week on average! We are so thankful for the nice weather. The boys have been outside playing and it has been wonderful.

Also I am now officially 10.5 pounds away from my goal weight. It has been hard work and I feel these last pounds are going to be the hardest. So thankful that summer is right around the corner, Farmer's Market here I come!! Have an amazing and blessed Thursday. LOVE.