Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Six Weeks...

It has officially been six weeks since delivering Channel. I had my check up with the Dr yesterday and all seems well. I do have a hole in my incision but nothing to be worried about and it should heal up on its own.

I have started actually working out again. Josh and I are doing Kettleworx on Mon/Wed/Fri and I have been walking the other days and hopefully turning that into running again. I am ready to shed this extra weight for good! I have decided to have my weigh in days on Sunday.

I am off to do Kettleworx. Stay motivated today.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Another Oscar Mayer...

And 4 boys it is! On April 13, 2011 at 8:17am we welcomed 11lb 4oz Channel Ry to our family. What a chunky monkey, but totally adorable. The c-section went well and as did the tubular. Recover has been a bit tougher 4th time around.

Just a couple of weeks out of surgery and I started having really bad abdominal pain. It got so bad that I ended up going to the ER on Mother's Day. When I got there they thought it was my gallbladder and I ended up going through all these test to find gallbladder is fine. Now we are trying to find out what is causing the pain and how to fix it. I am on two different meds now to try and deal with the stomach pain.

I am now just little after a month post-op and am starting to finally feel like I can start getting back on track. I still don't see the Dr. for couple weeks for my six week check up. By then I should be able to get the green light to start doing more.

Sleep and I are not friends right now, he has left me. Hoping in the next months the sleep thing gets better. Speaking of which......


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Five Weeks....

Five weeks and counting....

Five weeks from today is my scheduled c-section. Yesterday I had a doctors appointment. The worse part of the visit is always stepping on the scale. I should be very happy that everything is going GREAT. Blood pressure is great, baby's heartbeat is great, and I am measuring right where I need to be. I really have nothing to complain about and should be very happy with such a healthy pregnancy, but all I can think about is that stupid number on the scale! And if one more person ask if I am having twins, I just might explode!!

On a happier note, Josh and I got to spend the weekend together at a Family Life marriage conference. This is exactly what I (we) needed. What a wonderful break to be able to connect with each other. It reminded us that we need to be making our marriage a priority, and if you have kids, you know that sometimes they tend to take over your life. We have come home with great tools and are making changes in our home.

Also, we are in prayer about Josh's job. Many of you know he is working 3rds, which I didn't think would be as hard as it has been. He might have an opportunity to move to a weekend shift. He would work three 12hour days on the weekend and be able to have the week off if he wanted to. This could be an answer to prayer, we will continue to seek God in this area.

My boys are growing up so fast. Everett turned 5 yesterday!! He is growing into a wonderful young boy, God has really been working in him and in our relationship.

This weather is gross and I am ready to see some grass. Come on Spring!!

I will end on this quote I came across.

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” DARE TO BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A New Chapter

I have stepped away from writing and blogging. I am currently 6 weeks and 1 day away from delivery of my fourth child. This has been the toughest pregnancy. I was so sick for 5 months that I couldn't continue my running and that has been rough to deal with. Running was my outlet. And something that I was proud of.

Now I am counting down the days until I can get back on track. I am so uncomfortable, I am ready to feel better. So I will be tracking my progress through my blog. I will be using this more as an outlet for me. I turn 30 this summer and want to get back into shape and have my thirties be totally fab.

So this is the start of my road to recovery. I'll be talking about these last six weeks of pregnancy and my recovery after my c-section. I probably won't be running many races this year, but might do a 5K. 2012 will be my year for races, hopefully.

Turning 30, an awesome dog, a husband, three boys and a new baby, and getting back on the road in 2011. A new chapter in life.