Monday, December 28, 2009

Confessions of a mom...

I hate those days when I second guess why I decided to have children. Go ahead say it, you are thinking I am a horrible mom. But I am just being real. Today has been rough. Josh has been gone since 5am and won't be home for a couple more hours (it is about 8pm right now). As I am typing I am being interrupted by my middle son who knows every single button to push. I love him and that will never change, but some days, some days I just don't know what to do.

It starts with him not listening to simple rules and then escalates into a huge tantrum. Tonight we had a tantrum, still on going, lasting well over an hour. It is draining. I spend my time not giving in so he understands he doesn't get his way when he throws a fit. Sometimes I just want to run away!!!

Then the thoughts of, "What am I doing wrong?" Am I really that bad of a mom that I can't handle my own child? Then I become that mom I don't want to be, the one who yells and loses control of the situation.

My oldest son is the complete opposite. Not that he doesn't get in trouble because he does have his moments, but NOTHING like what I am dealing with now. I have heard it's a phase, he'll grow out of it, this has been going on since before he was two and he will be four in March. Please tell me this is coming to an end, soon!

On a lighter note, at dinner tonight my oldest finished his dinner and got to have a cookie and milk. My youngest son, who is going to be two in February, saw his brother get a cookie and started eating everything on his plate. In between them eating I was dealing with another tantrum, so I was a bit distracted, but came back to the table and my youngest had cleaned his plate. He got a cookie. Finally I am feeling like I am doing something right, got a good meal in them anyway. As everyone finished and left the table I began to pick up and moved the babies booster seat to find the majority of his chicken shoved underneath! He sure fooled me, but he got that cookie! I'll be watching closer next time. LOVE.

Monday, Monday, Monday...

Good Morning once again. What a great weekend. We had a wonderful Christmas at home with the boys and then headed out to Fremont to see family. When we got there we headed straight for the heated pool! So relaxing and warm. Boys had a blast swimming. As the boys finished up swimming, I hit up the treadmill for a quick run. I felt pretty good for the majority of my run, but then my toe started hurting. So I only ended up going 3.5miles and headed to take a shower. Took my shoes off and had a sock full of blood. (well just by the toes) I could not see why my toe was bleeding, no blister. Took a shower and notice that my middle toes where rubbing on each other and rubbing the skin off. yuck!

Spent Christmas night with family and opened more presents. My aunt and uncle got my whole family....season passes to Michigan's Adventure!! How cool is that?! We were totally surprised and excited. We had such a good time at MIA last summer.

On Saturday we had our family party with cousins and other aunts and uncles. It was so good to see everyone. I did indulge a bit and took the day off from running to try and let my toes heal a bit. We played Fact or Crap and Catch Phrase. Just a little FYI, the girls totally whooped the boys in Catch Phrase! Some great laughs were had that night. We were going to come home Saturday but decided to stay one more night.

Sunday was a good day. I started my day out with a run. Knew I had to get a long one in since I skipped the day before. Set my time for 75mins. I had a really good run, toes felt alright, and I rocked out with my ipod. Ran 7.35 miles. Helped clean up the house, went sledding in the back with the boys. Loaded up the car and headed home. My mom moved back to her house this weekend in Fremont. She seems happy so that is a good thing. I am sure she will be back and forth.

All the boys slept until after 7:30 this morning! What a treat, but we all needed a good nights rest. All five of us had been sleeping in a king size bed over the weekend. Now on to shoveling out the driveway. It just might take me all day.


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Quiet House...rare

Christmas Eve! Two boys napping, one watching a movie, Josh changing the brakes in the garage, me just getting to eat lunch. It is oh so quiet in here. I'll take it when I can. Yesterday a lot of baking was done, bathroom cleaned from top to bottom, floors cleaned, and got some wrapping done. Today finished the rest of the baking, well acutally my mom did most of it today.

I got to enjoy a long run today. Kinda felt like a traitor, went to the gym with Mel, ran just over 6 miles. Feeling good! I can't believe that our race is just about a week away. I am so excited, Josh not so much.

I am glad Josh is home early today. It will be so nice to spend time together as a family. Tomorrow we will be heading up to Fremont for a couple of days to see family. Heated pool here I come! Sorry about such a short entry today, I am going to enjoy the peacefulness here! Have a fabulous Merry Chirstmas! LOVE.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Consider this a "normal" day...

Coffee in hand. Good Morning. Youngest son up, hubby off to work, blog to be written. Yesterday was, well, needless to say interesting. It was my last official day of work for the Whitehall Curves. The ladies I have met there are just amazing, and I will truly miss them. (Oldest son up) Some of them are transferring to the North Muskegon Curves where I will do some work as well. Very excited.

Yesterday it became very clear to me why moms need cordless phones in the house. I was at home getting ready to go meet with Kathy, Lynda and Amy for lunch (girls from N. Muskegon Curves) when the phone rang, thinking it was Josh from work I picked it up in the living room which is NOT a cordless phone. It happened to be my aunt which ended up being a lit bit longer conversation. Meanwhile my two youngest boys were in the kitchen, little did I know they were redecorating my floor with their MARKERS! And also drawing mustaches and beards on each other. At least it was with washables..sigh.

Weighed in yesterday after two weeks of not getting on the scale. Down over 3lbs! Only 15lbs to my goal weight. A year ago I would have never thought this is where I would be. I will never have a perfect body (thanks to my children..ha) but being able to feel good about yourself is a huge step.

Josh actually got home early last night and got to see the boys before bed time. Everyone was getting ready for bed and for some reason my boys like to poop at night. I don't know where this comes from. Anyway, my middle son went potty and then my oldest had to go. Well after about 10 mins of him being in there, he comes out saying "Mom, water is going everywhere!" Ut-ohhh! Yes, the toilet was overflowing, poop and all. He said he was sorry he pooped so much that it clogged the toilet. And believe me, I know where they get this from, my mother-in-law has told me many stories of my husband doing the same thing when he was little. I just feel sorry for my septic tank, I'll be having to empty it twice a year!!

To top off the night, Nolan, my youngest, woke up at 2am! Agghhh. He did end up going back to sleep an hour later, but I was awake. Oh the many joys of motherhood. Got up with Josh at 6am before he went to work, Nolan was up at 6:20am. On my third cup of coffee. Let the day begin. LOVE.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Run Forest Run...

Yes, this blog will be mainly about my running. This past summer I decided to pick up running. Although I ran for sports, I never ran because I actually enjoyed it. I found that I could clear my head, catch up with God and escape for a few moments. What an amazing feeling. I am so thankful that my husband was also very supportive, bought me an ipod for my birthday and allowed me the time out of the house.

And so it started, just a few miles, or minutes at a time. And before I knew it was I was running 2-3 miles straight. So this past summer I also ran my first 5K race. The Chris Cook Memorial run in Fremont during the Gerber Fest. Time 32:03! Totally excited for my first run. I have just kept running. I am amazed at what my body has been able to do. On Thanksgiving morning I knew I should probably get a run in. I decided to hit up the treadmill while the boys were watching the parade. I covered my time so that I would just concentrate on running and not the minutes. I felt so good that day, I ran 6 miles in 63minutes. I got off the treadmill and said, "Josh, can you believe I just ran for an HOUR!" I just couldn't believe it.

Since then I have been running between 4-5miles on my runs. So now that brings me to today. I took yesterday off, although I felt like I really needed to run. So first thing this morning, I hopped on the treadmill, not my favorite thing. Covered my time and knew that I wanted to make today a long run. Set my mind to it and accomplished the goal. Not only did I make it a long run, I made it my longest run. 7 Miles in 72minutes!

Josh and I are running a 6 mile race on New Years Day in Muskegon. I don't think there is a better way to start 2010! I am so excited that we are doing it together.
Speaking of running, I still need to shower, clean bathrooms and floors and head out for lunch with my amazing boss and co-workers. Oh and try to keep these boys in line!! Much love to all. Have a supernatural week!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

One pot of coffee down...

Good Morning! Oh coffee, coffee, coffee, already making my second pot. Between Josh and I we can really put some coffee away. Although he takes a little bit of coffee with his creamer, I take a little bit of creamer with my coffee..hehe. Anyway, Josh has to work today and I am feeling guilty about not going to church! I love my church and my church family, what a blessing they are. The good thing is that we can watch it on the internet together when he gets home. I am making it a point to get lots of prayer in today and some time in the word, if life allows it. If you don't have children then you have no idea what I am talking about and if you don't have boys then you really have no idea what I am talking about. Boys are a whole other species. Nothing is done quietly.

Yesterday we braved the crowds. What were we thinking going out on the Saturday before Christmas? We made it. Boys saw Santa, who was a great looking Santa, real beard and all. Although my oldest, Winton, told me as we were waiting in line, "Mom, Santa is OLD!" Too funny. We also hit up Old Navy and found great deals plus had coupons, so the boys got my gifts from their. Well I bought them and they will wrap them with dad! And then last stop was Sams Club, stocked up on veggies and fruit, we go through a lot of that. All in all, had a really good day and not too many melt downs.

Also yesterday was my last Saturday workout at Curves. Gave the ladies a great work out and I know I was sweating! Was going to try and get an extra run in but never got the chance. Today I'll have to run! Just so everyone knows, I will also be using this blog to keep track of my runs. It might be a bit boring for some, but I am using it to keep record for myself.

As for today, today will be filled, yea. Boys are watching Finding Nemo and yes, they are being semi-quiet. Amazing. But it can never last too long. On my way to get started. Love!

Friday, December 18, 2009

First of hopefully many.

Good Afternoon. Ahhh, my first blog. Writing journals use to be my favorite of favorite things to do. Isn't funny how life and children and can change us so much. So now with a few free moments I am going to try blogging.

I have three beautiful boys and handsome husband. My boys are 5yrs, 3 1/2yrs and 22 months, busy is an understatement! My husband is wonderful but we have our ups and downs just like everyone else but he is very hands on which is a great help. I have been a stay at home mom for the past 5 years and just recently got back into the working field. (scary after not being in it). I am a circuit coach for Curves and am training to become a group fitness instructor. But just less than 2 years ago I was not so fitness minded. I weighed 295lbs and decided enough was enough. Took charge and am now just 18lbs away from my goal weight.

Everyday my house is full of noise and toys and 3 little boys, but I do love it. Today my oldest son, Winton, has his Christmas party at school and he has been practicing his songs the past two weeks.

Everett, my middle son, well....I love him, but he is sooo hard headed. He wants everything his way. Complete opposite of his older brother. One day at a time with lots of prayer. He can be so very sweet.

Nolan, who is 22 months, is really coming into his own. Trying to keep up with his brothers is the thing. He is talking like crazy, which also means talking back. But full of love and hugs!

I am a woman of God. He is my rock. I would never make it without Him. My Savior Lives!