Sunday, December 20, 2009

One pot of coffee down...

Good Morning! Oh coffee, coffee, coffee, already making my second pot. Between Josh and I we can really put some coffee away. Although he takes a little bit of coffee with his creamer, I take a little bit of creamer with my coffee..hehe. Anyway, Josh has to work today and I am feeling guilty about not going to church! I love my church and my church family, what a blessing they are. The good thing is that we can watch it on the internet together when he gets home. I am making it a point to get lots of prayer in today and some time in the word, if life allows it. If you don't have children then you have no idea what I am talking about and if you don't have boys then you really have no idea what I am talking about. Boys are a whole other species. Nothing is done quietly.

Yesterday we braved the crowds. What were we thinking going out on the Saturday before Christmas? We made it. Boys saw Santa, who was a great looking Santa, real beard and all. Although my oldest, Winton, told me as we were waiting in line, "Mom, Santa is OLD!" Too funny. We also hit up Old Navy and found great deals plus had coupons, so the boys got my gifts from their. Well I bought them and they will wrap them with dad! And then last stop was Sams Club, stocked up on veggies and fruit, we go through a lot of that. All in all, had a really good day and not too many melt downs.

Also yesterday was my last Saturday workout at Curves. Gave the ladies a great work out and I know I was sweating! Was going to try and get an extra run in but never got the chance. Today I'll have to run! Just so everyone knows, I will also be using this blog to keep track of my runs. It might be a bit boring for some, but I am using it to keep record for myself.

As for today, today will be filled, yea. Boys are watching Finding Nemo and yes, they are being semi-quiet. Amazing. But it can never last too long. On my way to get started. Love!

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