Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Consider this a "normal" day...

Coffee in hand. Good Morning. Youngest son up, hubby off to work, blog to be written. Yesterday was, well, needless to say interesting. It was my last official day of work for the Whitehall Curves. The ladies I have met there are just amazing, and I will truly miss them. (Oldest son up) Some of them are transferring to the North Muskegon Curves where I will do some work as well. Very excited.

Yesterday it became very clear to me why moms need cordless phones in the house. I was at home getting ready to go meet with Kathy, Lynda and Amy for lunch (girls from N. Muskegon Curves) when the phone rang, thinking it was Josh from work I picked it up in the living room which is NOT a cordless phone. It happened to be my aunt which ended up being a lit bit longer conversation. Meanwhile my two youngest boys were in the kitchen, little did I know they were redecorating my floor with their MARKERS! And also drawing mustaches and beards on each other. At least it was with washables..sigh.

Weighed in yesterday after two weeks of not getting on the scale. Down over 3lbs! Only 15lbs to my goal weight. A year ago I would have never thought this is where I would be. I will never have a perfect body (thanks to my children..ha) but being able to feel good about yourself is a huge step.

Josh actually got home early last night and got to see the boys before bed time. Everyone was getting ready for bed and for some reason my boys like to poop at night. I don't know where this comes from. Anyway, my middle son went potty and then my oldest had to go. Well after about 10 mins of him being in there, he comes out saying "Mom, water is going everywhere!" Ut-ohhh! Yes, the toilet was overflowing, poop and all. He said he was sorry he pooped so much that it clogged the toilet. And believe me, I know where they get this from, my mother-in-law has told me many stories of my husband doing the same thing when he was little. I just feel sorry for my septic tank, I'll be having to empty it twice a year!!

To top off the night, Nolan, my youngest, woke up at 2am! Agghhh. He did end up going back to sleep an hour later, but I was awake. Oh the many joys of motherhood. Got up with Josh at 6am before he went to work, Nolan was up at 6:20am. On my third cup of coffee. Let the day begin. LOVE.

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