Friday, December 18, 2009

First of hopefully many.

Good Afternoon. Ahhh, my first blog. Writing journals use to be my favorite of favorite things to do. Isn't funny how life and children and can change us so much. So now with a few free moments I am going to try blogging.

I have three beautiful boys and handsome husband. My boys are 5yrs, 3 1/2yrs and 22 months, busy is an understatement! My husband is wonderful but we have our ups and downs just like everyone else but he is very hands on which is a great help. I have been a stay at home mom for the past 5 years and just recently got back into the working field. (scary after not being in it). I am a circuit coach for Curves and am training to become a group fitness instructor. But just less than 2 years ago I was not so fitness minded. I weighed 295lbs and decided enough was enough. Took charge and am now just 18lbs away from my goal weight.

Everyday my house is full of noise and toys and 3 little boys, but I do love it. Today my oldest son, Winton, has his Christmas party at school and he has been practicing his songs the past two weeks.

Everett, my middle son, well....I love him, but he is sooo hard headed. He wants everything his way. Complete opposite of his older brother. One day at a time with lots of prayer. He can be so very sweet.

Nolan, who is 22 months, is really coming into his own. Trying to keep up with his brothers is the thing. He is talking like crazy, which also means talking back. But full of love and hugs!

I am a woman of God. He is my rock. I would never make it without Him. My Savior Lives!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! You started a blog! Love it. Maybe it will inspire me to update mine. I think its been several months since I posted something. We have to start that mom blog......
