Thursday, January 21, 2010

One gray hair...

Good Afternoon!

This week has been a bit crazy trying to get things together for vacation and getting the house cleaned before we leave. Have to be able to come home to a clean house! Also I have had to make time to get all my runs in also this week and so far so good. Got to Curves this morning and wasn't sure if I was going to actually workout because of the knee issue and I still had to do speed work today. But I decided that I would try to and see how I felt. It went pretty well, a few machines I took it easy on and didn't have too much pain. Ended up burning 911 calories. I also started taking a joint supplement for my knee. I still need to get on the treadmill and get my speed work done, shouldn't be too bad.

I love my husband. I do, but he thinks that it is so funny to make fun of my gray hairs(and I have a few). So last night laying in bed I noticed one single gray hair on his head! Sweet. Finally, I am not alone. hehe. Enough of that. Time to get Nolan to bed so I can get things done. I'll be updating on vacation. LOVE.

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